Facade insulation
• is the easiest way to save considerable financial means on heating. In addition to the savings due to reduction of energy losses, it is also easier to achieve thermal comfort. If the facade insulation is done thoroughly, it, apart from other things, reduces the formation of mould in the house, increases the overall thermal comfort in the house, buildings are more resistant to inclement weather and it increases the overall temperature of the perimeter structure.
Roof and attics insulation
• a roof structure is constantly exposed to wind , cold and other weather phenomena . In addition to windows, doors and walls, the roof of the house has a considerable share in the heat escape. Therefore, roof insulation should be a part of a comprehensive solution to building insulation.
Interior insulation
• after the successful insulation of a facade and roof of an apartment building, it is time to implement other measures that improve living comfort , safety, or reduce operating costs of the house . Uninsulated interior common space is an often neglected part of a house, where the heat escapes into the cold cellars and into the entrance halls. Due to the absence of thermal insulation, the entrance technical floor is heated by the heat loss of flats closely adjacent to these spaces . After all, there is no need to heat an extra complete floor. . .
Technical advantages of house insulation
• Thermal and sound insulation
• Reduction of energy losses
• Easier way to achieve thermal comfort
• High strength and low weight
• Environment friendly and wholesome
Economic benefits of house insulation
• Significant reduction of the cost of heating and hot water
• Reducing the load of the heating system
• Increase in property value
• Prolongation of the building life
New Green Light to Savings
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